Director: Adam McKay
Genre: Biographical Comedy/Drama
Starring: Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt, Marisa Tomei, Melissa Leo
Distributed by: Paramount Pictures
Release Date: December 11, 2015
My Rating: 8.5/10
I've seen, heard and read a lot of explanations about the gigantic financial meltdown and "housing bubble" that hit the United States--and the rest of the world too, for that matter--during the late 2000s. Thanks to graph and statistic-laden explanations from professors in college, documentaries like Inside Job, movies like HBO's Too Big To Fail, or even simply dinnertime reports from my father, who just so happens to work in the banking industry, I've come to grasp the basic understanding of what exactly occurred during this 2008 crisis, as well as its causes and consequences (or lack of consequences).
None of these accounts proved to be as clear or as entertaining as the one presented by Director Adam McKay's (Anchorman, Step Brothers) biographical dramedy, The Big Short, based on Michael Lewis's (The Blind Side, Moneyball) nonfiction book of the same name. The film tells the story of a few visionary guys who essentially bet against the US housing market and the American economy as a whole by 'shorting' bonds, subprime mortgage loans and other types of securities. 'Shorting' refers to selling securities not owned by the seller (borrower) with the belief that the price of that security will eventually decline, thus allowing it to be repurchased at this lower price for a profit. Thus, a new market was created to get a tool for shorting: the market of credit default swap (CDS), a type of financial exchange between a seller and a buyer (lender) that serves as a form of insurance against the defaulting of a loan.
The main players of the betting game: Dr. Michael Burry (Christian Bale), a neurologist turned hedge fund manager of California-based Scion Capital with Asperger's Syndrome and an artificial left eye, who was essentially the first on Wall Street to foresee the bursting of the housing bubble and thus made a profit by throwing over $1 billion of his investors' money into credit default swaps. FrontPoint Capital hedge fund manager Mark Baum (Steve Carell, based on real-life manager Steve Eisman), cynical Deutsche Bank bond trader Jared Vennett (Ryan Gosling, based on Greg Lippmann), and jaded former JP Morgan Chase Bank trader Ben Rickert (Brad Pitt, based on Ben Hockett), who worked at the major bank's office in Singapore and was pessimistic about the banking industry.
Vennett approaches Baum about shorting collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), groups of asset-backed securities that are basically a promise to pay investors in a prescribed sequence of 'tranches' or portions based on the cash flow the CDO collects from the pool of assets it owns. Vennett explains to Baum and the rest of his team at FrontPoint that these CDOs have been packaged together and incorrectly assigned very high AAA ratings by agencies like Standard & Poor, which leads the ragtag group of Wall Street hotshots to pull off one of the greatest heists in decades.
Although I have not read Lewis's book, the script (from Mr. McKay and Charles Randolph) is superb, without a doubt. Perhaps what I found most engaging about the film was the inclusion of random celebrity cameos (as themselves) to simplify the explanation of the basic definition and functioning of financial instruments and transactions: from Australian actress Margot Robbie explaining subprime mortgages in a bathtub, to chef and TV personality Anthony Bourdain using seafood to describe CDOs, to pop star Selena Gomez describing 'synthetic' CDOs (essentially CDOs piggy-backing on other CDOs) while playing blackjack in a casino. Yes, you read all of those correctly.
Some may find it patronizing to use celebrities and simple analogies to 'dumb-down' these highly technical concepts, but I found it very fun and refreshing. These lighter scenes provided a more-than-welcome relief from the narration (mostly from Mr. Gosling's character) and conversations between the protagonists, which quite frankly revealed a lot of depressing information about the collapse of the American and world economies. The interspersing of quotes that were not stated but shown across a black screen, both anonymous and from famous folks, also helped to provide straightforward analogies for the crisis.
If celebs like the above three are what it takes for people to pay more attention, then so be it. As Mr. Carell's character tells his wife (Marisa Tomei) over the phone, complaining about how nobody cares about all of this, not even those who know they're being ripped off: "They're being screwed, you know. You know what they care about? They care about the ball game, or what actress just checked into rehab." And he's right. Most people who pass by us everyday may have no involvement with this industry and could not care less about it.
The performances are very sincere and reflect the varying emotions and opinions all of these top bank and hedge-fund leaders expressed during the meltdown. Mr. Carrel proves once again, following his Oscar-nominated role in 'Foxcatcher,' that despite his long resume as a funny man, can also brilliantly tackle much more dramatic roles. He does not shy away from demonstrating the frustration men like his character, and Mr. Pitt's character, felt at the demise of the industry, and more specifically at its lack of honesty and integrity, which Burry talks about in narration form at the end of the film.
Mr. Pitt's scolding of two young, ambitious, twenty-something guys (John Magaro and Finn Wittrock) who celebrate after they realize how much profit they are going to make from the big short operation encapsulates so much about the film: "Do you have any idea what you just did? You just best against the American economy. People are going to lose their homes, their jobs."
Oscar Winner Christian Bale also immerses himself beautifully into the character of the real-life, eccentric, and socially awkward yet oddly likable Michael Burry, the visionary genius who predicted the entire collapse and who did not let anyone, not even his superiors, stop him from believing he was right. His case proves that even the strangest people, with the oddest, out-of place habits like blasting heavy metal, playing with drumsticks, and wearing a t-shirt and no shoes, can be the outsiders we need to bring to light the importance of a severe issue.
The Big Short is now nominated for five Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor for Mr. Bale, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Film Editing.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Room: A Film With A Small Setting And A Larger-than-Life Impact
Director: Lenny Abrahamson
Genre: Drama
Starring: Brie Larson, Jacob Tremblay, Sean Bridgers, Joan Allen, William H. Macy
Distributed by: A24 Films
Release Date: October 16, 2015
My Rating: 9.5/10
Every now and then, a movie comes along that is so powerful you feel like you are riding a roller-coaster of emotions throughout the entire viewing: fear, heartbreak, joy, all in the span of under two hours. The 2015 film that reflects that description the most, for me, is the Oscar-nominated indie Room.
From Irish director Lenny Abrahamson comes the adaptation of fellow Irish-Canadian novelist Emma Donoghue's 2010 book of the same name. Miss Donoghue writes the screenplay for this beautiful and heart-wrenching film about the love between a young mother and her son, and their struggle to attain freedom.
The film follows 24-year-old Joy "Ma" Newsome (Brie Larson), a young woman who has been held in captivity in a tiny backyard shed for seven years, along with her five-year-old son, Jack (Jacob Tremblay). The man who has kept them there: a monster they refer to as 'Old Nick' (Sean Bridgers), who appears to be Joy's neighbor, and who only provides her and Jack with food and other basic necessities. Old Nick repeatedly rapes Joy in the shed that only has one opening in the ceiling that allows skylight, and that houses one small kitchen and a side room with a bed and bathroom, which leads Jack to affectionately refer to their entire home as 'room.' After several attempts to escape the shed with Jack, the two are finally set free after a clever plan from Joy, and are taken in by her parents (William H. Macy and Joan Allen).
Joy and Jack slowly learn to adjust and live a normal life in Joy's parents' home in the real world.
Before I say anything else about this movie, I should make two things clear for anyone who hasn't yet seen it. First, there are no explicit rape or abuse scenes: this is only implied. Second, only the first 45 minutes or so of the film take place inside the actual 'room,' for all you claustrophobic folks out there. As a matter of fact, one of the most intense scenes, for me, occurs after the two protagonists are released from their confinement.
The first thing that must be noted is Brie Larson's performance, which is beyond stellar. From every smile, look of frustration, scream, and sobbing plea, Miss Larson immerses herself completely into the role of a mother who is willing to risk everything to break free from her prison and provide a normal life for her and her son. Jacob Tremblay also proves to be a stellar young performer, capturing the innocence and unbridled curiosity of almost any child, even one who may have been raised in such abnormal and oppressive circumstances. This is the first film (that I've seen in theaters) in a very long time that has brought tears to my eyes, which I quickly wiped away because I remembered I was in a public place. When a film does this, and then nearly causes you to cry a second time (for joy), you know it was poignant as hell. That might even be an understatement.
Although I haven't read the original novel, the script is certainly beautifully written: no line of dialogue or scene appears out of place in the slightest. This can likely be attributed to the fact that the author of the novel also serves as the screenwriter. Miss Allen also delivers a strong performance as a woman dedicated to caring for and protecting her long-lost daughter and grandson.
Going to see a film like Room may not be a pleasant way to spend two hours, but truly great art is not always about comfort. It's about telling a story that appeals to any of our raw emotions and makes us ask questions about why people make certain decisions or refuse to make them, how people can be so evil and others purely kind and determined to succeed and attain the happiness they deserve. Is this a far-fetched and exaggerated story? Maybe. Maybe some people have been locked in a shed before, although not for seven years. Nevertheless, this thought never even crossed my mind until well after I left the theater and more importantly, the possibility of the answer to this question being yes does not in any way diminish my view of this story.
Room has now been nominated four Oscars: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Actress for Brie Larson. With a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Drama and a Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Award for Best Actress already under her belt, the Academy Award for Best Actress will surely soon find itself in Miss Larson's hands as well. She certainly earns my vote for it.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
From Ireland to Brooklyn, New York: A Young Girl's Journey Across The Pond
Director: John Crowley
Genre: Period Drama
Starring: Saoirse Ronan, Emory Cohen, Domhnall Gleeson, Julie Walters, Jim Broadbent
Distributed by: Fox Searchlight Pictures, TSG Entertainment
Release Date: November 6, 2015
My Rating: 9/10
The Oscars are exactly one month away, so here is my review on the fourth film nominated for Best Picture this year that I've had the pleasure to see so far, one which left me very satisfied.
Irish director John Crowley (Intermission, Boy A, Closed Circuit) brings to the screen an adaptation of Colm Toibin's novel of the same name, while author Nick Hornby (High Fidelity, About a Boy) pens the screenplay.
Oscar Nominee Saoirse (pronounced 'ser-shuh,' like 'inertia') Ronan (Atonement, Hanna, The Host) stars as Eilis (Pronounced 'Ay-lish') Lacey, a young girl from a town in southeast Ireland called Enniscorthy who works at a small shop run by a sour woman named Miss Kelly in 1952. One day, Eilis's older sister Rose arranges for her to travel to the US so that she may find a better life.
Thus, before she can even fully process the weight of her journey, Eilis boards a ferry and travels to Brooklyn, New York, which she soon discovers is home to many other Irish immigrants like her who have family in their home country. She begins living in a boarding house run by an Irish landlady named Mrs. Kehoe (Julie Walters from the Harry Potter films) along with several other girls around her age, both Irish and American, and aspires to become an accountant. Eilis also begins working at a department store, although her initial shyness renders interactions with customers difficult.
At an Irish dance, Eilis also meets a young, hip Italian-American boy named Tony Fiorello (Emory Cohen) who works as a plumber. She soon begins dating Tony, and in addition to her job, is enrolled in bookkeeping classes at a local college thanks to help from a friendly Irish priest from back home named Father Flood (Academy-Award Winner Jim Broadbent). Eilis thus begins to feel more accustomed to life in New York. However, after a family tragedy forces her to return home, Eilis becomes the recipient of another young man's advances: a boy named Jim Farrell (Domhnall Gleeson from About Time, Ex Machina). Eilis is quickly forced to choose between two men and two lifestyles: her traditional life in Ireland, or her promising new life in America.
Two aspects of this movie stood out the most for me: the portrayal of the era, and the lead actress's performance. I am of course much less familiar with the way Ireland was during this time, although the depiction of 1950s New York is uncannily similar to many pictures I've seen and texts I've read across the years: from the brightly colored clothes and traditional bathing suits, to the old, shabby apartment buildings and cars.
Miss Ronan undoubtedly carries the film with a heart-wrenching and sincere performance which has earned her an Oscar Nomination for Best Actress, her second after her first nomination for Supporting Actress for Atonement in 2008 at the tender age of 13. It is clear that she is a versatile actress whose film career, despite being relatively recent, has already proven her prowess for playing a wide range of characters. From a lethal assassin to a girl possessed by an alien, to a rebellious, sharp-tongued American girl living in war-torn England, and now to a good-mannered, polite and proper Post-War-Era Irish girl immigrating to New York, Miss Ronan has certainly demonstrated her star power as a foreign actress in Hollywood.
In every major scene in Brooklyn, Ronan displays with unwavering excellence the various emotions her character experiences throughout her journey as she is questioned, controlled, and beaten down by many of the people around her: fear, joy, sorrow, confidence. In the end, Eilis represents the modern-day 'miss independent,' (even if the film does not take place in modern times) who ignores others' desires for her and chooses the life her heart is telling her to pursue, and Saoirse Ronan elegantly displays that.
The script is also very meticulously written, (Hornby is also nominated this year for an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay) and although I have not read Mr. Toibin's novel upon which the film is based, nearly every scene and exchange of dialogue is crafted with care, giving each major character life and demonstrating the weight of this drama. Even the few lighter, more comical moments that are interspersed throughout the film are clever.
Miss Ronan's film career will undoubtedly continue upwards after this role, and (aside from the fact that I may have just completely fallen in love with her) I am sure she will be given the opportunity to play several more memorable roles.
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